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ALERT: MCC will be closed Wednesday, 2/19 due to possible inclement weather.
We will continue to monitor the situation & will provide timely updates of any further changes. Updates will be communicated via MCC text alerts, email, social media, webpage, & news outlets.
Application to apply to the college. Application for MCC acholarships.
Call us at 252-792-1521. Text us at 252-278-0457.

Career Center

The Career Center at MCC is a steppingstone towards finding the career that fits with your chosen career pathway. The Career Center assists with job preparation and employment opportunities. The Career Center supports students and alumni with:

  • Career Exploration
  • Assessing job skills and interests
  • Creation and analyzation of resumes
  • Interview preparation and mock interviews
  • Enhanced job search
  • Professional development events – Career Fairs, Employer Information Sessions, & Workshops

Career Planning Tools

  • Reality Check from the North Carolina Department of Commerce is a fun, new online tool designed to estimate the income necessary to support your desired lifestyle.
  • Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center allows you to careers and best practices for job searching, take a career interest assessment, and plan your education. Prepare for your career with resume and cover letter creation, interviewing, networking, and workplace skills.
  • NENC Pathways Traitify is a visual personality assessment designed to be completed in under two minutes. Click the Let’s Get Started box and begin your assessment. Once the assessment is completed, it will give you your personality breakdown. You can also click on Career Matches to view personalized career recommendations.

Helpful Websites

Career Center Hours

The following hours are for the Spring semester.

Days Times
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Saturday, Sunday Closed


To schedule an appointment, please use the information below:

Director, Career Center

Natasha Roberson
Building 2, Room 6 (in the Library)
Williamston Campus