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ALERT: MCC will be closed Wednesday, 2/19 due to possible inclement weather.
We will continue to monitor the situation & will provide timely updates of any further changes. Updates will be communicated via MCC text alerts, email, social media, webpage, & news outlets.
Application to apply to the college. Application for MCC acholarships.
Call us at 252-792-1521. Text us at 252-278-0457.

Overview of CCP

Martin Community College allows juniors and seniors in high school to enroll in college courses without tuition fees in the Career and College Promise (CCP) program.

The CCP program provides a seamless transition to eligible North Carolina high-school students to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that lead to college transfer or that lead to entry-level job skills.

In addition, CCP is aligned with the North Carolina K-12 public-schools curriculum and "career and college ready" standards adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Education. It offers College Transfer Pathways and CTE programs, which lead to certificates, diplomas, or degrees.

Learn more about transfer courses at Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.