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ALERT: Due to inclement weather, MCC will close at 4:30pm on Tues., Jan. 21 & will remain closed through Wed., Jan. 22.
Application to apply to the college. Application for MCC acholarships.
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Con-Ed Scholarships

Scholarships and grants are available from various public and private foundations, organizations, and businesses. MCC encourages students to explore other financial aid opportunities in addition to federal and state awards and grants.

MCC Foundation Scholarships - Continuing Education

  • Service Area High School Scholarships: Each of the high schools in the MCC service area are provided with $500.00 scholarship(s) for students to attend MCC during the academic year immediately following graduation from high school. Upon satisfactory academic progress, these students will receive $500.00 scholarships for the following academic year as well. High school guidance officers select award recipients through a competitive process at each high school. Service Area High School Scholarships are only valid for the two years immediately following high school graduation.
  • A.B. Ayers Endowed Scholarship: Candidates must have earned their GED from MCC and be enrolled in a Career and Technical Education program. Must maintain satisfactory academic progress and remain in good academic standing. One $500 scholarship is available and is awarded as $250 in fall semester and $250 in spring semester.
  • Clarence Biggs Continuing Education Scholarship: Candidates must be enrolled in a continuing education/personal interest course. One one-time scholarship of up to $500 is available.
  • Edgecombe-Martin County EMC Scholarship: Candidates must be a US citizen enrolled in the Electrical Systems Technology program or Lineman Academy. Should demonstrate need, good moral character, cooperative spirit, and scholarship prowess. Must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0/C. Amount and number of scholarship(s) may vary up to $1,000.
  • GED Graduate Free Class Certificate Scholarship: Provides up to six MCC credit hours (including fees) awarded to MCC GED graduates who graduated in the immediate prior academic year. Candidates may receive both the GED Graduate Free Class Scholarship and the HSE Scholarship. Must maintain satisfactory academic progress and remain in good academic standing. Number of scholarships varies depending on number of graduates.
  • High School Equivalency Scholarship: This merit-based scholarship is designated for students who completed the MCC GED program. Candidates must be enrolled in a curriculum program or continuing education program at MCC with 96 hours or more that will lead to an industry-recognized credential. Candidates must write an essay stating the program in which the student enrolls as well as why he/she deserves to be awarded the scholarship. Awardees are selected through a competitive process that is overseen by the College and Career Readiness department. Scholarships are activated upon registration in the semester immediately following GED completion. Candidates may receive both the GED Graduate Free Class Scholarship and the HSE Scholarship. Must maintain satisfactory academic progress and remain in good academic standing. Three $500 scholarships are available and are awarded as $250 in fall semester and $250 in spring semester.
  • Williamston Fire-Rescue-EMS Scholarship: Candidates should display the merit and professionalism of those in the Fire-Rescue-EMS field. Preference given to residents of Martin County who intend to remain in Martin County to work upon completion of program of study. Must maintain satisfactory progress towards completion. Scholarship can be used for tuition/fees, books/manuals, and uniforms. $1,000 designated to Fire Academy Program and $1,000 designated to EMS program. Amount and number of scholarship(s) may vary depending upon need.