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ALERT: MCC will be closed Wednesday, 2/19 due to possible inclement weather.
We will continue to monitor the situation & will provide timely updates of any further changes. Updates will be communicated via MCC text alerts, email, social media, webpage, & news outlets.
Application to apply to the college. Application for MCC acholarships.
Call us at 252-792-1521. Text us at 252-278-0457.

COVID-19 Guidelines

Face Coverings Are Optional

Wearing face coverings, that cover the individual's nose and mouth, are considered optional in all MCC Buildings, unless otherwise required due to exposure or post-isolation requirements. Employees, students, and/or patrons may electively wear a face covering if they choose; however, there is no campus wide mandated enforcement of face coverings.

Points of Contact

Employees that need to self report exposure, symptoms, or ask general questions related to COVID - 19 should call Morgan Price, Executive Director of Human Resources. Email: mp67256@martincc.edu Phone: 252-789-0224.

Counseling Services

MCC recognizes that in this challenging time, there are heightened fears and anxiety among our faculty, staff, and students.

  • Students are encouraged to reach out to one of MCC’s counselors.
  • Faculty and Staff are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their direct supervisor.

MCC COVID – 19 Operations Guidelines

Please review the MCC COVID Operations Guidelines for specific information pertaining to MCC’s response to COVID-19.

Additional Resources Pertaining to COVID – 19