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ALERT: Due to inclement weather, MCC will close at 4:30pm on Tues., Jan. 21 & will remain closed through Wed., Jan. 22.
Application to apply to the college. Application for MCC acholarships.
Call us at 252-792-1521. Text us at 252-278-0457.


Upcoming Classes

Take a look at what is being offered next semester by checking out the class schedules. If you need help selecting classes, see your advisor or talk with a counselor in the MCC Admissions Office.

Help in Paying for College

Make yourself aware of any deadlines that might affect your ability to be awarded or maintain financial aid. MCC Financial Aid is also available to help. You can also check the current tuition schedule.

Textbooks and Other Supplies

Most classes at MCC require you to purchase textbooks or other supplies. Most supplies can be purchased at the MCC Bookstore.


To prepare for graduation, complete the following steps:

  • Routinely consult with your advisor to confirm that you are on track towards graduation. Be sure to obtain an evaluation form from your advisor.
  • Schedule an appointment with your advisor during your next-to-last semester. Your advisor will review program requirements and confirm you are on track to graduate.
  • Complete a graduation application and submit it to the Registrar's Office. This application can be downloaded from the student forms page or acquired from the Registrar's Office.

Student Life

Get involved! Check out some of the clubs, associations, events, and areas at MCC:

  • Phi Theta Kappa honor society (Alpha Chi Gamma chapter)
  • Alpha Beta Gamma business honor society (Kappa Eta chapter)
  • MCC Student Government Association
  • Minority Male Success (aka Man Up) Program

Withdraw From a Course

If you are having trouble in a class and believe that you will not receive the grade you are wanting, you have the option of withdrawing from the class. As set forth in the Curriculum Academic Calendar, if you withdraw on or before the "Last Day to Withdraw," you are allowed to "withdraw" from courses with a grade of "W" placed on your transcript for those withdrawn courses. The grade of "W" does not affect your GPA. Choosing to withdraw from classes is an important decision; you are urged to discuss your choice with your advisor, a college counselor, and MCC Financial Aid before proceeding.

Be sure to check the Curriculum Academic Calendar to make sure you withdraw on or before the Last Day to Withdraw. If you are enrolled and do not withdraw (and thus, overcut you classes), you will receive a grade of “WF” in each overcut class, which is equivalent to a grade of "F" when calculating your GPA.

In any case, if you are receiving financial aid, you may be held responsible for repayment of aid. Please refer to the MCC College Catalog. To process a course withdrawal, complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the MCC Registrar's Office to obtain a Drop/Add/Withdrawal form.
  2. Completely fill out the form, with all required signatures.
  3. Return the completed form to the MCC Registrar’s Office.

Accidental Insurance for Students

Accidental-insurance coverage is provided for all registered students. Benefits of the accidental insurance are subject to all provisions of the policy.

The following documents encompass the accidental-insurance policy: