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Continuing Education

Learning is a lifelong process. Education does not stop with the completion of formal schooling but continues throughout life. The MCC Division of Continuing Education offers courses to address the life-long learning needs of our adult population in the community.

Continuing education programs at MCC offer opportunities for people currently employed to upgrade their skills. There are also a number of training programs in such areas as fire fighting, law enforcement (e.g., BLET), basic skills, and emergency medical services (EMS).

Admission Requirements

Any adult 18 years of age or older, or an individual between the ages of 16 and 18 who has officially withdrawn from high school, is eligible to enroll in continuing-education courses. High school students, 16 years of age or older, are permitted to enroll under the MCC dual-enrollment policy with approval from the appropriate public-school officials. Contact your local school counselor for additional information.

If you have met these requirements, then you are ready to begin the admissions process.

Pre-Registration Process

You may register for Continuing Education classes on a first-come, first-served basis. Complete the registration form and pay at least 3 days prior to the beginning date of your class. If you wait, your class may either be full or canceled because of a low number of registrations. Late registration will be held at the first class meeting, if space is available. Third Party Authorizations must be received at least 3 days prior to the start of class. Should the College be closed 3 days prior to the start of class, registration will be taken the first day the College is reopened. Payment can be made only with cash or check. Make all checks payable to MCC.

How to Register

  • In-person (Walk-in) Registration
    Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, except holidays
    Building 2, Room 35 (Williamston Campus)
  • Mail Registration Form and Payment

Basic Skills courses follow an open-enrollment procedure that allows students to enroll at any time.

Available Programs

MCC offers a range of programs to continue your education. The following are the main areas of continuing education at MCC:

  • Basic Skills: the mission of Basic Skills program is to assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skill necessary for employment and self-sufficiency, assist adults who are parents to obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children, and assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. Educational opportunities are provided in reading, writing, mathematics, and communication skills through five major program components:
    1. Adult Basic Education (ABE): the major objectives of the programs are to enable adults to acquire the basic educational skill necessary to be fully competent in our society, to improve their ability to benefit from occupational training, to have greater opportunities for more productive and profitable employment, and to meet their own objectives for enrolling in the program. Classes focus on fundamental skills such as reading, writing, speaking, computing, critical thinking, and problem solving.
    2. High School Equivalencies (GED) Diploma: this program consists of classroom instruction, lab, distance learning, course, or a combination of these instructional methods and is designed to qualify a student to demonstrate a passing score on the General Educational Development Diploma from the State Board.
    3. English as a Second Language (ESL): this program is designed for limited-English proficiency adults whose primary language is not English. The purpose of the program is to help students who need to improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the English language so that they may be able to further their education, achieve their goal of citizenship, and/or obtain employment.
    4. Basic Life Skills: this program is designed for adults with intellectual disabilities, who were formerly referred to as "adults with mental retardation." The program also serves adults functioning on a level equivalent to intellectual disabilities resulting from brain injury. The program is highly individualized and fosters a maximum level of independent living commensurate with one’s personal ability. Instruction is offered in math, language, social science, health, community living, consumer education, and vocational education.
    5. Workforce Continuing Education: this selection provides short-term, non-credit course offerings for individuals seeking to gain new and/or upgrade current job-related skills:
      1. Occupational extension training can be offered as a single course or colleges may bundle a series of courses and offer students a certificate of completion leading to recognized credential (licensure, certification, renewal, registry listing, or continuing education units).
      2. The Human Resource Development (HRD) program provides skill assessment services, employability skills training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed adults. These courses address six core components as follows: 1) assessment of an individual’s assets and limitations: 2) development of a positive self concept; 3) development of employability skills; 4) development of communication skills; 5) development of problem-solving skills; and 6) awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Continuing education, occupational-extension courses may carry Continuing-Education Units (CEUs) credit. The CEU is a uniform standard of measurement for participation in non-credit, occupational courses. CEUs are awarded on the basis of one CEU per ten-contact (class) hours. The MCC Division of Continuing Education maintains a permanent record on each student who takes a continuing-education course. The records are available to students upon request. Students needing a transcript should contact the MCC Division of Continuing Education.

Certifications, Licenses, and Other Recognitions

College credit is not awarded for completion of continuing-education courses; however, certificates of completion are awarded for completion of some courses. Diplomas, certifications, licenses, or other forms of recognition are awarded by certain agencies outside the College for successful completion of specially designated courses.