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A.A.S. Degree in Computer-Integrated Machining (A50210)

The Computer-Integrated Machining curriculum prepares students with the analytical, creative and innovative skills necessary to take a production idea from an initial concept through design, development and production, resulting in a finished product.

Coursework may include manual machining, computer applications, engineering design, computer-aided drafting (CAD), computer-aided machining (CAM), blueprint interpretation, advanced computerized numeric control (CNC) equipment, basic and advanced machining operations, precision measurement and high-speed multi-axis machining.

Graduates should qualify for employment as machining technicians in high-tech manufacturing, rapid-prototyping and rapid-manufacturing industries, specialty machine shops, fabrication industries, and high-tech or emerging industries such as aerospace, aviation, medical, and renewable energy, and to sit for machining certification examinations.

NOTE: Upon completion of all requirements, the A.A.S. in Computer-Integrated Machining is granted by Pitt Community College. The hours at Martin Community College are listed below.

For more information about registration and enrollment, please see the College Catalog. You must have advisor approval to register and enroll. The advisor will ensure you are placed in the right sequence of courses to meet your academic and program completion needs.