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ALERT: MCC will be closed Wednesday, 2/19 due to possible inclement weather.
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Curriculum Tuition, Costs, and Fees

The following tuition rates and activity fees are per-semester for in-state students and out-of-state students, respectively, for the academic year that begins in 2024 and ends in 2025.

Note: these rates apply only to curriculum classes. Continuing-education classes have separate con-ed fee schedules.

In-State Tuition

Credit Hours Tuition Activity Fees Total
1 $76.00 $16.50 $92.50
2 $152.00 $16.50 $168.50
3 $228.00 $16.50 $244.50
4 $304.00 $18.00 $322.00
5 $380.00 $19.50 $399.50
6 $456.00 $21.00 $477.00
7 $532.00 $22.50 $554.50
8 $608.00 $24.00 $632.00
9 $684.00 $25.50 $709.50
10 $760.00 $27.00 $787.00
11 $836.00 $28.50 $864.50
12 $912.00 $30.00 $942.00
13 $988.00 $30.00 $1,018.00
14 $1064.00 $30.00 $1,094.00
15 $1140.00 $30.00 $1,170.00
16+ $1216.00 $30.00 $1,246.00

Out-of-State Tuition

Credit Hours Tuition Activity Fees Total
1 $268.00 $16.50 $284.50
2 $536.00 $16.50 $552.50
3 $804.00 $16.50 $820.50
4 $1072.00 $18.00 $1,090.00
5 $1340.00 $19.50 $1,359.50
6 $1608.00 $21.00 $1,629.00
7 $1876.00 $22.50 $1,898.50
8 $2144.00 $24.00 $2,168.00
9 $2412.00 $25.50 $2,437.50
10 $2680.00 $27.00 $2,707.00
11 $2948.00 $28.50 $2,976.50
12 $3216.00 $30.00 $3,246.00
13 $3484.00 $30.00 $3,514.00
14 $3752.00 $30.00 $3,782.00
15 $4020.00 $30.00 $4,050.00
16+ $4288.00 $30.00 $4,318.00

The student activity fee is non-refundable except when a course is cancelled. There is not an activity fee charged for the summer semester. Fees are subject to change pending MCC approval. Tuition is subject to change pending legislative approval. High school students are not required to pay student activity fees.

Other Fees (eff. 07/01/2024)

AUT/TRN LAB FEE: $25.00 fee per class for the following courses: AUT 116, AUT 141, AUT 151, AUT 181, AUT 221, TRN 110, TRN 111, TRN 112, TRN 120, TRN 145; high school students are not required to pay AUT/TRN lab fee

EQUINE FEES through June 30, 2025: $25 per credit hour for EQU 130, 140, 150, 240, 241, 260, 270, 280. $75 per credit hour for EQU 111, 112, 120, 121, 211, 212, 220, 221.

EQUINE FEES effective July 1, 2025: $30 per credit hour for EQU 130, 140, 150, 240, 241, 260, 270, 280. $65 per credit hour for EQU 220. $80 per credit hour for EQU 211. $100 per credit hour for EQU 111, 112, 120, 121, 212, 221.

GRADUATION FEE: $0 for first application for current students; high school students are required to pay $30 for the first application; $5.00 for additional application; $5.00 for additional cover; $5.00 for additional tassel (graduation fees are non-refundable)

DIPLOMA MAILING FEE: $5.00 for diploma without cover; $8:00 for diploma with cover; $3.00 for each additional cover

LIBRARY LOST-ITEM SERVICE FEE: $5.00 service fee for lost library item. This fee is in addition to the charge to replace the lost item

MEC 110 LAB FEE: $50.00 per student for MEC 110; high school students are not required to pay MEC110 lab fee

PLACEMENT TESTING FEE: $5.00 per tier for non-MCC; students can re-take each tier one time

SCIENCE LAB FEE: $8.00 per student for each BIO, CHM, or SCI course as well as AGR 140, AGR 170, and AGR 261; high school students are not required to pay science lab fee

STUDENT ID CARD FEE: $5.00 for all replacements (first student ID card is free)

TECHNOLOGY FEE: $15.25 per student per semester; high school students are not required to pay technology fee

TRANSCRIPT FEE: $5.00 for official curriculum transcripts; unofficial transcripts are free

Equine Boarding Fees (eff. 07/01/2024)

STALL BOARD: $375.00 per month

PASTURE BOARD: $300.00 per month

Net Price Calculator

Net price calculators allow prospective students to enter information about themselves to find out what students like them paid to attend the college in the previous year, after taking grants and scholarship aid into account. "Net Price" is the amount that a student pays to attend an institution in a single academic year after subtracting scholarships and grants the student receives. Scholarships and grants are forms of financial aid that a student does not have to pay back.